jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

Durant-Anthony players of the month

First time in this year Carmelo achieves this award. Third consecutive award for Kevin Durant.

Carmelo’s actions, during January, carried him to be named KIA NBA Eastern Conference Player of the month. The player averaged 28’7 points and 9 rebounds with a 49% shooting percentage. Among his performances highlights the 24th January magic night, when he scored 62 points. Moreover, he scored 25 or more in 12 of the 16 games he played.

Meanwhile, Kevin Durant has achieved his third consecutive trophy as the best player of the Western Conference. During the last month, the player scored 35’9 points per game with an amazing shotting percentage of 55%. Besides, he scored more than 20 points in each of the 16 games he played; 30 or more points 13 times; 40 or more 5 times and more than 50 one time.

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