martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Lillard, Wall, Irving and Belinelli, the All-star protagonists

On Friday there was an amazing performance carried out by the players of first and second year. The striking fact of the match was the rivalry in scoring shown by Dion Waiters and Tim Hardaway JR. But an exclusive guest gate-crashed into the party, Andre Drummond. Pistons’ centre took advantage of the All-star’s showcase in order to make an impression on the playing field with 30 points and 25 rebounds. He got the match’s MVP.

One of the most expected moments after the ‘reform’ of the dunk contest, was Saturday’s night. But it led to good and bad consequences. In the first competition, the Shooting Stars, we could see some of the NBA legends, such as Dominique Wilkins or Karl Malone, competing with current figures of the NBA and WNBA. The victory was for the team formed by Chris Bosh, Dominique Wilkins and Swin Cash, which defeated the team composed by Kevin Durant, Karl Malone and Skylar Diggins, in the final. The team headed by Bosh, got to ratify the title achieved last year.

In the second competition, the skill’s one, the emotion was alive until the last second. Carter-Williams and Oladipo started the final leaving the chronometer in 45,3. It was the turn of Damian Lillard and Trey Burke. It seemed that the victory was for the first couple, but after Burke’s mistakes, Utah’s bodyguard squeezed his teeth and left the chronometer in 45,2.

In the third competition, the 3-point contest, there was also emotion until the end with the huge duel between Bradley Beal and Marco Belinelli. Both offered an amazing exhibition of shots and we could enjoy of a play-off round in the finals. The Italian got the victory after scoring 24 out of 34 points.

The competition that closed Saturday’s night, the dunk contest, was once again a complete disaster. This time the NBA had big dunkers but the new format did not allow them to shine. The victory was for the East group and John Wall received the prize for the best dunk of the night.


Finally, the big appointment, the Stars Match. There was spectacle, as always. It was expected, perhaps, a big duel between Lebron and Durant.It was at last a dunks’ duel between Lebron and Griffin. Durant and Anthony fought for being the top scorer. Among all the stars, Kyrie Irving appeared to drive the East to the victory and to win his first All-Star game MVP.

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