viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Los Cavaliers desvelan su nuevo uniforme

Dan Gilbert, propietario de los Cavaliers, reveló el color de la nueva camiseta del equipo, el azul marino. 

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Los Cavaliers lucirán un nuevo color en la temporada 2014-2015. La llegada de Lebron James y de Kevin Love ha devuelto la esperanza a la ciudad. Para ello la franquicia ha decidido sacar una nueva camiseta, y es que  al color vino y al dorado, se le une ahora el azul marino

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Tracy Marek, Jefe de Marketing de los Cavaliers señaló: "Con mucha alegría y positivismo que nos lleva a esta nueva temporada, este momento tan especial era digno de una nueva equipación, en conosonancia con la energía y la magia del equipo".

Llama la atención uno de los detalles de la camiseta, y es que en la parte inferior encontramos una frase con el ADN de los nuevos cavs: "Todos para uno. Uno para todos". 

El estreno de la nueva camiseta de producirá en el primer partido de la temporada, que enfrentará a los Cavaliers frente a los Knicks de Phil Jackson, Anthony y compañía. Además, se convertirá en la nueva camiseta alternativa del equipo de Ohio.  

Cavs unveil its new uniform

Dan Gilbert, Cleveland Cavaliers' owner, revealed the colour of the new uniform, the navy. 

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The Cleveland Cavaliers will display a new colour for the 2014-2105 season. The arrival of Lebron James and Kevin Love have restored the hope to the city. This is why the franchise has decided to launch a navy uniform, that will join to the golden and wine ones.
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Tracy Marek, Cavaliers CMO, declared: "With so much excitement and positive momentum going into this season, this special time called for a brand new uniform to match the energy and mojo of the 2014-15 team".

As we can see on the picture, the new shirt shows, in the bottom, a sentence with the DNA of the new cavs: "All for one. One for all". 

The new uniform will see the light on the first game of the season, where the cavs will face Phill Jackons' Knicks. Moreover, this shirt will be the alternate one throughout the season.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Bosh on Lebron James "If guys aren't in this locker room, I don't have much time for them -- if any"

Miami Heat's forward seems to have not forgiven Lebron's output. 

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"I haven't spoke to Lebron since he left Miami",  convincingly declares Chris Bosh when he was asked about Lebron James. A comment that caused a great impact on the media, since everyone knew about the friendship between them. 

The player is extra motivated in his 5th season with Florida's franchise and he sentenced: "I'm in the mode where I'm trying to lead my team, help these guys out around here. If guys aren't in this locker room, I don't have much time for them -- if any.".

However, Bosh wont need to wait until the season begins to be reunited with Lebron James, as this saturday he will meet his former teammate at Rio de Janeiro, where Heat and Cavaliers will play a friendly match

Will Bosh greet Lebron?.

Bosh al ser preguntado por Lebron James "No tengo tiempo para quien no esté en este vestuario"

El ala pivot de Miami Heat parece no perdonar la salida del equipo, del que fuera su amigo, Lebron James. 

Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images North America
"No he vuelto a hablar con LeBron desde que se fue", así de contundente se mostró Chris Bosh al ser preguntado por Lebron James. Un comentario que causó gran impacto, ya que de sobra era conocida su amistad con el de Akron. 

El jugador parece estar extra motivado en su quinta temporada con los de Florida y sentenció: "No tengo mucho tiempo para quien no esté en este vestuario. Sólo estoy centrado en intentar liderar a mi equipo y ayudar a los chicos de mi alrededor".

Sin embargo, Bosh no tendrá que esperar al comienzo de la temporada para reencontrarse con Lebron, ya que este sábado se tendrá que ver las caras con su ex compañero en el amistoso que disputaran sus equipos en Río de Janeiro

¿Se saludarán Bosh y Lebron?

Crossing the pond I: Nikola Mirotic

The power forward will join Pau Gasol in Chicago Bulls ambitious project

Photo byMike DiNovo-USA today sports

It has not been the farewell that neither Nikola Mirotic nor Real Madrid fans would have desired. The second loss in the Euroleague final and the fact that he was not in great shape in the most important moment of the season have overshadowed his last day in the team.

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Some skeptics doubt about his capacity of becoming someone important in the best basketball teams. They claim that he is too short and not strong enough to play in the post and even too slow to play in the perimeter. However, we are in front of a very technical player, capable of scoring using post moves or facing the basket thanks to his notable shooting range.

It will not be an easy year for Mirotic. Apart from the understandable adaptation difficulties, he will have to compete against his teammates in order to achieve minutes on the court. It seems that players like Taj Gibson or Jimmy Butler have advantage over him.

Despite these all difficulties, he will receive the help of Pau Gasol who will be a great support for him.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Cruzando el charco I: Nikola Mirotic

El ala-pivot se une a Pau Gasol en un ilusionante proyecto en los Chicago Bulls.

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No ha sido la despedida que Nikola Mirotic ni los aficionados del Real Madrid esperaban. La segunda derrota consecutiva en una final de Euroliga y el bajo estado de forma con el que llegaba al momento más importante de la temporada oscurecían sus últimos días en el equipo merengue.
Photo by Kamil Krzaczynski

Muchos son los escépticos que dudan de su capacidad para hacerse un nombre en la mejor liga del mundo. Demasiado bajo y débil para posiciones interiores  y poco rápido para jugar en el perímetro. Sin embargo, estamos ante un jugador de una gran técnica, capaz de anotar de espaldas al aro, gracias a su buen juego de pies o de cara a él destacando su tiro a media y larga distancia.

Mirotic no lo tendrá fácil en su primer año en la liga.  A las lógicas dificultades de adaptación a un nuevo estilo de juego y de vida habría que añadir también la notable competencia que encontrará en sus compañeros a la hora de conseguir minutos de juego. A priori, jugadores como Taj Gibson , en posiciones interiores, o Jimmy Butler, en posiciones exteriores, parten con ventaja en la rotación.
Photo byMike DiNovo-USA today sports

Pese a todas estas posibles adversidades en su primer año, contará con la ayuda de Pau Gasol. El hispano-montenegrino tendrá en el ex jugador de Los Ángeles Lakers un espejo en el que mirarse y un apoyo para los momentos en los que las críticas y dudas aparezcan.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Utah Jazz signs a five years old child, who suffers leukemia!

The Utah Jazz offered a day-contract to the young JP Gibson, aged only five, who made his dream a reality.

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JP Gibson’s dream has come true. The five-years-old-child, who suffers acute lymphoblastic leukemia, became the latest signing of Utah Jazz. It was an admirable gesture when the Jazz surprised the press worldwide by signing a young boy of only five years old. Besides, it was followed the ordinary procedure when signing any player.
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Firstly, Gibson and his family attended the signature of the contract, where Randy Rigby was waiting for them. The contract would bind hind and the franchise together for one day, and would make him a player of the Utah Jazz.

After signing the contract, the new signing up had time to talk to the press, always accompanied by his father. There it was revealed the number that he would wear printed on his jersey, number 1.

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His mother, Megan, could not hide her feelings and stated: ‘He loves sports, but basketball is his favorite one. He was just one when he watched the matches with my husband Josh. He shot for an hour before going to sleep whe he was just 15-months-old. He knows that he must be six in order to play in Jazz Junior teams, and he is always saying that he cannot wait all that time.

It was his turn after the interview with the press. He would wear the same jersey that legends of this sport such as Karl Malone or John Stockton had used years before. In the third quarter, with 29 seconds left, the speaker announced the entrance of the franchise’s new acquisition. 
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The coach of the Jazz, Snyder, designed a play in which Gibson could impress. The young point-guard drove the ball to 3pt shot line, where he took advantage of Jeremy Evans’screen for achieving the paint. Here, he dribbled Dante Exum and helped by Gobert he ended with an amazing two hands dunk. “JP Gibson with the two hands slam”, shouted Utah’s commentator. The public at Energy Solutions Arena went crazy with that dunk. He got it, his dream become true.

It was really significant the intervention of Jon Díaz, one of the photographers of the Jazz, who transforms the dreams and wished of children with cancer into unforgettable adventures. It is done through the project ‘Everything can be’
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Once again the NBA shows that is the best league in the world, not only at a sportive scale but also at a human level. A few months ago, the 76ers surprised everyone offering a signing to a young boy of 18 years old with Down Syndrome. Yesterday it was the Jazz, and nobody knows what will happen in a future.

‘Where amazing happens” is the slogan of the league. It involves the sportive and extra sportive thing. It can be found under this motto, some stories as humane as JP Gibson’s.