The Brazilian centre, drafted on the 16th position by the Atlanta Hawks, has returned to the Club Estudiantil after four months of inactivity due to his knee discomfort. During the recovering period, Lucas moved to Los Angeles to deal with this problem. His return is a breath of fresh air for both, his team Tuenti Móvil Estudiantes and most of the supporters of basketball.
His achievements from the other day before the Bilbao Basket, prove his quality. The Hawks, in Atlanta, are alert for these attainments because they hope to recruit him for the next season.
NBA-Shots: The first thing I want to ask you is how your knees are going, what about the recovering process that took you away from the fields so long? How was your routine, Lucas?
Lucas Nogueira: Well, I woke up early and my first day was with the PRP work. This is a process through which they take blood from the body and then, inject it into the knee. It hurts a lot but it is helping me very much. That was the first thing I did. Afterwards, I started with the regular part of the treatment, involving stretching, a lot of machines of which I do not even know the name, ice…honestly, it was a really long process. I think I used about ten different machines.
NBA-S: Yes, it was a very long process, but the other day you reappeared before the Bilbao Basket with good numbers: 8 points, 5 rebounds and 2 blocks. And curiously, this is the same team that the one you played against just before you were injured. What were your feelings when you went again into the field?
LN: My feelings were amazing because I had been two months out of the field, but nothing is too much for me. I try to arrive to the match as it was one more and I also try to do my best. But I do not consider any match that special, for me all the rivals are equals, there is not one of them more important than another.
NBA-S: undoubtedly, your return has been a delight for the student club and for the supporters, all of them were waiting for you with open arms. How was meeting again the fans?
LN: Well, it was great. People were very surprised because they did not know that I was going to play. I played due to two circumstances of the club, because I thought they did not expect me to play yet. But because of these sad facts, I had the opportunity of playing and I was able to show again my skills.

NBA-S: The victory of the other day takes you out of the last positions, and regarding the spell of good luck that you are experimenting right now, do you think your team could fight for the playoffs?
LN: I think it is too early to talk about this. I feel we need to live our own reality, which is to overcome, because thing are not going well. We have not won two consecutive matches yet, and we will try to achieve it next Saturday. And I think this goes first. After, if we have the possibility of thinking about the playoffs, we will do it. But now, the most important thing is to overcome the league.
NBA-S: Well, I have a compulsory question, what do you think about Lamar Odom’s arrival to the league? Do you believe that he will become again the player who enchanted the NBA?
LN: I wish he will because he is an idol for me. I have followed his entire career path and in my view, he is the most versatile and complete player that I have ever seen playing. It will be a honor for me to play against him the following week. I am sure it will be a very exciting match, even though he is not on his best physical conditions neither standing out as three years ago with the Lakers. But I believe that it must be taken into account what he has done for basketball, this is the most important thing and something that I will not forget.
NBA-S: Continuing with the NBA, it is said that the Hawks are on the lookout for your evolution regarding a possible transfer in summer. Are you in contact with anyone of the franchise?
LN: Yes I am, always. Every day or almost every day someone calls me or writes to me in order to know how I am doing in general, with my knees, the rhythm of training which is very important, etc. It is a team that is pulling for me a lot; therefore it is normal that they worry about me. This makes me extremely happy, to know that they want my services for the next year. Then, it seems that they want me for the next year, but now my mind is here, with my current club, and we will see what happens in summer.
NBA-S: Two more questions of the NBA, very fast: Who is the winner for you this year?
LN: I think it will be Oklahoma.
NBA-S: The duel between Lebron and Durant, who do you prefer?
LN: Durant
NBA-S: Durant?
LN: Yes
NBA-S: And finally, regarding the basket world championship, are you considering the national team?
LN: I will answer this when the world championship arrives.
NBA-S: Ok, thank you so much, Lucas.
LN: You are welcome, thanks.